HR & Payroll Management Software

Best HR & Payroll Management Software in Bangladesh. Call: 01759 568080

Best HR & Payroll Management Software

GloriousIT HRM is a fully functional Human Resource Management (HR) software with human resource management, attendance, timesheet time attendance, payroll, payroll, and other fun features. Manage and track employee efficiency with this great tool. GloriousIT HRM also has Employee Self Service, which allows employees to keep track of their own time, leave, and payroll. GloriousIT, one of the best software development company in Bangladesh are providing high-quality HR & Payroll Management Software solutions are very useful for small, medium and large business or company management.

Features of HR & Payroll Management Software

Dynamic Dashboard:

  • Total Employees 
  • Total Leave Request
  • Today Employee, Project Status
  • Total Accounts & Tasks Status
  • Total Companies
  • Total Income & Expense
  • Graphical Daily/ Monthly Chart
  • Alert Calender

Staff Management

  • Employees
  • Custom Fields
  • Staff Directory
  • Import Employees
  • Employees Exit
  • Expired Documents
  • Employees Last Login

Core HR Modules

  • Awards
  • Transfers
  • Resignations
  • Travels
  • Promotions
  • Complaints
  • Warnings
  • Terminations

Organization HR

  • Company
  • Official Documents
  • Location
  • Department
  • Designation
  • Announcements
  • Company Policy
  • Organization Chart

Timesheet Module

  • Attendance Module
  • Monthly Timesheet
  • Timesheet Calendar
  • Date wise Attendance
  • Update Attendance
  • Overtime Request
  • Import Attendance
  • Office Shifts
  • Manage Holidays
  • Manage Leaves

Payroll & Training

  • Generate Payslip
  • Payroll Management
  • Payroll Reports
  • Training List
  • Training Type
  • Trainers List

Project Management

  • Projects Management
  • Tasks Management
  • Clients Management
  • Invoices Management
  • Invoice Payments
  • Tax Type

Finance & Accounts

  • Accounts List
  • Account Balances
  • Payees
  • New Deposit
  • New Expense
  • Transfer
  • View Transactions

HRM Reports

  • Payslip Report
  • Attendance Report
  • Training Report
  • Projects Report
  • Tasks Report
  • User Roles Report
  • Employees Report

Advance Management

  • Performance Management
  • HRM Calendar
  • Tickets Management
  • Job Recruitment Module
  • Files Management
  • Assets Management
  • Events & Meetings
  • Account Statement
  • Expense Report
  • Income Report
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