Production Management Software


Production Management Software

Best Production Management Software for your Business. Call: 01759 568080

Best Production Management Software in Bangladesh

GloriousIT developed the Best Product Stock Management Software in Bangladesh. By using the software you can tracking stocks, orders, sales and deliveries. … Enterprises use warehouse management software to avoid product overages and outages. It’s a tool for organizing inventory data that was previously stored in paper or spreadsheet formats

Features of Production Management Software

Dynamic Dashboard:

  • Total Purchase
  • Total Sales
  • Purchase Due
  • Invoice Due
  • Sales Last 30 Days Chart
  • Sales Current Financial Year
  • Sales Current Financial Year
  • Purchase Payment Due
  • Product Stock Alert

Product Management

  • List Products/ Recipe
  • Add new Product
  • Product Print Labels
  • Product Variations
  • Selling Price Group
  • Product Units
  • Product Categories
  • Add Product Brands
  • Product Brand List

Quick POS (Sale)

  • All Sales Module
  • Add New Sale
  • List of POS
  • POS Module
  • Sales Drafts List
  • Sale Quotations List
  • Sell Return List
  • Discounts Setup

Purchase Management

  • List Purchases
  • Add New Purchase
  • List Purchase Return
  • Quick Purchase Module

Contacts Module

  • Add Suppliers
  • Suppliers List
  • Add Customers
  • Customers List
  • Customer Groups
  • Import Contacts

Expenses Module

  • List Expenses
  • Add Expenses
  • Expense Categories
  • Upload Expence Invoice

Setup Module

  • Add Users
  • Add Manager
  • Add Cashier
  • Add Counter
  • Tax Setup

Report Management

  • Profit / Loss Report
  • Purchase & Sale
  • Tax Report
  • Supplier & Customer Report
  • Customer Groups Report
  • Stock Report
  • Stock Adjustment Report
  • Items Report
  • Product Purchase Report
  • Product Sell Report
  • Purchase Payment Report
  • Expense Report
  • Register Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Trial Balance


Different businesses have different needs. Find a plan that suits yours.


Installation Free
TK 1000 / Per month
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System


Installation 5,000TK
TK 800 / Per month
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System


Installation 50,000TK
TK 500 / Per month
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System
  • Point of Sale System

Client Name

John Doe


Software Development


February 28, 2020


3690 Brownton Road, Mississippi

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